Friday 18 April 2014


Although there is no official statement from the parties yet, it appears that there is trouble brewing up in the P-square camp.
There are reasons to believe that the Okoye brothers - Jude and Psquare - are either on the verge of breaking up or have broken up!

Reports indicate that commotion is presently brewing up in the P-square camp - this has to do with the twins being at constant loggerheads caused by one of their wives.
Popular Nigeria blogger Linda Ikeji reports thus:

"I've been hearing a few stories about Peter and Paul Okoye of P-Square having issues for a while now. I hear they disagree on everything now...songs, videos, ideas etc...On Wednesday April 16th, I gathered exclusively from industry sources that the brothers fought each other physically during rehearsals. They had to be separated by their dancers. This is fact! I hear one of the wives is causing some of the problems between the brothers."
Also, their elder brother and manager tweeted this a few minutes ago “After ten years of hard work, it’s over and I’m done!!!” - which implies that he has quit his office as their manager.
The Okoyes – P-square and Jude Okoye delved into music in 2004 (ten years ago) and have been active ever since.
So far, they have released six successful albums.
If we recall, Jude Okoye missed Peter's wedding because he didn't approve of him marrying Lola Omotayo