Thursday 12 March 2015


00:59 By sommy

Gonza Nantenza could not stomach the fact that her husband had the guts to raise his hand and hit her, even after she caught him in bed with another woman.

Gonza Nanteza with one of her daughters during her earlier days.
Gonza Nanteza with one of her daughters during her earlier days.  
The adage ‘Too much love kills’ may not be false afterall, since it came into action on Tuesday when a 35-year-old businesswoman threw herself from a cliff and drowned with her six-month-old daughter.
The problem started two weeks back when 35-year-old Gonza Nanteza of Lwamunnyo Island in Division B Entebbe Municipality allegedly found her husband in their marital bed with another woman. “On finding her husband, she picked his shoes and threw them in the lake, which angered him and he started beating her up, the incident climaxing with the woman drowning herself,” Ms Abdul Lukenge, a neighbour and witness, said.
Mr Lukenge said Nanteza has always been crying and threatening to do something bad after her husband, Emmanuel Byaruhanga, betrayed her trust.

Disguised signals
The neighbour, who claims that he was Nanteza’s best friend, says she decided to end her life two weeks before the incident and was always loudly playing the local hit ‘Abantu Bakoowu’ literally meaning ‘people are tired’. “She once asked me if a baby can drown in the lake and I told her babies don’t drown but I didn’t read into what she was gearing at until the sudden occurrence,” Mr Lukenge said.
Mr Exepedito Sekanjako, another witness, said from the time Mr Byaruhanga allegedly assaulted his wife, she was acting frustrated, saying the baby would not grow and her days on earth were numbered.
“On Monday, she went around collecting money from whoever owed her, saying she doesn’t want to die and leave people with her money,” Mr Sekanjako said. He added that Nanteza also distanced herself from people prior to her suicide. He said Mr Byaruhanga came back home at around 8pm on Monday evening, saying his wife was missing but her phone was ringing inside the house.
They tried looking for her around the village in vain, until they found her body lying below a cliff at the lakeshore. “We tied the body near the shore and mounted a hunt for the baby, whose body was recovered on Tuesday morning and called marine police to assess the bodies before taking them for burial. Mr Byaruhanga, who had first run away from the island, returned shortly, eyes soaked in tears.
Mr Victor Ogwang, the marine head at Entebbe police said they are taking the body to Mulago hospital for postmortem before handing it over to the relatives. “If the postmortem shows the body was bruised, we will institute an investigation but if it confirms Nanteza died from the water after drowning, we will just hand it over to the relatives,” Mr Ogwang said.